Quokka - Rottnest Island Western Australia
Australia Western Australia Destinations

Where to meet the Quokka: the happiest animal in the world

There is only one place in Australia, where you can see this little marsupial. It has been elected ‘THE HAPPIEST ANIMAL IN THE WORLD’ and became the incredible star of the selfies in Australia.

Capture d’écran 2015-05-05 à 01.17.39

Picture : lefrenchexplorer

You will have the chance to meet them during your trip in Rottnest Island, rent a bike and go all over the place. They are mostly in tall grass but you can see them in the village, on the beach, … Open your eyes you can’t miss them !

Capture d’écran 2015-05-05 à 13.34.01 Picture : lefrenchexplorer.com

The quokkas are really friendly and won’t jump away from you and your camera. As they are mostly curious, they will come to you, and they will be happy to take a selfie with you.  


 Picture Alan Dixon

Come, visit the quokka and get your dose of happiness ! 


Where: Rottnest Island is only 45 minutes from Perth (Western Australia)
Tips: Buy the package ferry + bike, the easiest way to discover the island.
Sleep : Book your night at the YHA City, Perth.

NOTE : Considered as vulnerable, please don’t touch the quokkas or feed them. You will get a fine for that.  PLEASE PROTECT THE QUOKKAS 

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